If you’re just beginning to learn about web development, W3School.com is an essential resource with examples and tutorials in HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, and many other technologies.
Monthly Archives: January 2009
Web Style Guide
The Web Style Guide, 3rd edition, from Yale University Press is an essential read for any beginning web developer or designer.
Audacity is a free, cross-platform sound editor.
Notepad++ is a free, Windows-only text editor offering syntax coloring, line numbers, and other programmer-centric features.
TextWrangler is a free, Mac-only text editor with advanced features such as regular expression find and replace, syntax coloring, line numbering, etc., making it an excellent free choice for programmers.
G.I.M.P. (GNU Image Manipulation Package)
G.I.M.P. is an open source, free, cross-platform alternative to commercial image editing software.
CMapTools Concept Mapping
CMapTools is a free, cross-platform that allows the user to create and share concept maps for any topic they choose. Concept maps can be used for brainstorming activities, to assess students’ models of concept domains, or to capture individual or group domain knowledge.
R Statistical Programming Language
The R Project provides a comprehensive, free, open source statistical programming language and environment based on the S language. R is the name of both the language and the environment in which you generally use the language. It’s an interactive environment where the commands you enter generate immediate results that you can use to guide your analyses.
Your Best Starting Point
Download and install R. Download and install RStudio. Read R for Data Science.