Ph.D. University at Albany, State University of New York 2008
- Department of Informatics, Information Science Program
- Primary Specialization: Information Technology in Learning
- Secondary Specialization: Information in Organizational Environments
- Dissertation title: Predicting Student Success in Introductory Computer Programming
- Dissertation chair: Robert Pruzek
M.S. University of Hawaii, Honolulu HI2003
- Department of Information & Computer Sciences
- Thesis title: Factors Influencing Use of a Web-Based Community Space for K-12 Professional Development
- Committee: Daniel Suthers (Chair), Violet Harada, Linda Johnsrud
B.A. Hampshire College, Amherst MA1998
- Cognitive Science (Major: Linguistics and Computer Science)
Research Appointments
Research Staff Member
IDA’s Science & Technology Policy Institute2013-present
I contribute my expertise in Computer Science education, STEM education, and program evaluation to science & technology policy analyses prepared for Federal Executive Branch agencies under confidential cover.
Adjunct Research Associate
Technology Enhanced Instruction Research Group
University at Albany2005-present
As a research assistant, I participate in the design, use, and analyses of qualitative (focus group, field observation, and interview) and quantitative (log analysis and questionnaire) research protocols. I also develop and manage databases to support this on-going research into technology use in K-12 public schools. The two main research strands of this group are (1) technology use in several Upstate New York public schools and (2) development of Web-based instruction for use in K-12 schools.
Hawaii Networked Learning Communities
University of Hawaii2002-2003
As a graduate research assistant, I developed web-based tools to support K-12 educators’ professional development activities designed by project partners at the Hawaii Department of Education. I participated in the design of both the tools and professional development activities and served as one of three programmers implementing, deploying, and supporting the web-based tools. I used both qualitative and quantitative research methods in my Master’s thesis to conduct an evaluation of this program.
Association for the Cooperative Advancement of Science & Education
Saratoga Springs, NY1994-present
As a research associate, I contribute to the design, planning, and use of authentic assessments in science education. ACASE develops assessments designed to measure students’ ability to discover scientific concepts. I contribute to the conceptualization of assessment methods, the design of assessment instruments, and analyses of assessment results. Additionally, I am responsible for designing professional development activities to train educators in the use of our instruments.
Teaching Interests
Computer science education research, instructional technology, technology in education, assessment & evaluation, curriculum & instruction, instructional design, blended & distance education, technology-mediated teaching and learning, computer programming, web technologies, software engineering, intellectual property in the digital environment, human-computer interaction.
Teaching Appointments
Adjunct Faculty
Excelsior University2013-present
- Leadership and Communications in Cybersecurity
- Network and Communication Security
- Cybersecurity Policy and Compliance
Adjunct Faculty
College of St. Rose2012-2013
- Introduction to Computer Science
Computing Faculty
Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont2010-2012
- Undergraduate Courses
- Understanding Alan Turing Spring ’12, 15 students
- Contributing to Free and Open Source Software Spring ’12, 8 students
- Advanced Computing Projects Spring ’12, 4 students
- The Nature of Information Spring ’12, 18 students
- Computing Fundamentals Fall ’11, 25 students
- Seven Languages in Seven Weeks Fall ’11, 9 students
- Mobile Web Applications Development Fall ’11, 15 students
- Making Computing Social Relevant Spring ’11, 17 students
- Social Nature of Information Fall ’10, 8 students
- Advanced Projects in Computing Fall ’10, 5 students
- Miscellaneous Tutorials On-going; 5-10 students each term
Adjunct Faculty
Hudson Valley Community College2010-present
- Mobile Web Application Development
Part-time Lecturer
University at Albany, State University of New York2008-2010
- Graduate Courses
- Technology in School Library Media Centers Spring ’10, 17 students
- Digital Imaging for the Web Fall ’08, 20 students
- Undergraduate Courses
- Introduction to Computer Science Fall ’08, 185 students; Spring ’09, 225 students
- Internet & Information Access Fall ’08, 350 students
- Information Environment Spring ’09; Fall ’09; Spring ’10; 85 students each term
- Web Development Spring ’09; Fall ’09; 30 students each term
- Systems Architecture & Operating Systems Fall ’09, 45 students
Graduate Instructor
University at Albany, State University of New York2005-2008
- Web Development Fall 2005, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008; 35 students each term
- Systems Architecture & Operating Systems Spring 2006; 35 students
Adjunct Faculty
Skidmore College, University Without Walls 2004-2008
- Web Technologies Fall 2006
- Social Informatics Fall 2005
- Data Structures Spring 2005
- Introduction to Statistics Fall 2004
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth 2003-2009
- Fundamentals of Computer Science Summers
Hampshire College 2000-2001
- 7-12 Science outreach program: Introduction to Web Programming Summers
Hampshire College1999-2000
- Elderhostel; Introduction to Computers & the World Wide Web Summers
Teaching Assistant
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts1998-1999
- Introduction to Java Fall 1998
- Software Engineering Spring 1999
Teaching Assistant
School of Cognitive Science
Hampshire College1998
- Linguistics: Syntax Spring 1998
School of Cognitive Science
Hampshire College1996
- Introduction to Multimedia Programming Summer
Spring Hill Waldorf School1992 — 1993
- 7th – 8th grade mathematics
Zachos, P. A. & Doane, W. E. J. (2017) Knowing The Learner: A new approach to educational information. Northshire Press.
Danielak, B. A., Doane, W. E. J. (2014) Studying Students’ Early-Stage Software Design Practices. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014. Boulder, Colorado
Stefl-Mabry, J., Doane, W. E. J. (2014) Teaching to Assess: Lessons Learned When Faculty and Preservice Educators Learn to Assess and Assess to Learn. American Educational Research Association Conference Proceedings. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Radlick, M. S., Stefl-Mabry, J., Doane, W. E. J. (2012) Effecting Change Through Technology: Teacher Professional Development & Student Learning. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. April 13 – April 17. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Doane, W. E. J., Stefl-Mabry, J., Fazio, A., & German, S. (2010, June 28-July 2). Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Children? Paper presented at EdMedia 2010. Toronto, Canada
Stefl-Mabry, J., Doane, W. E. J., & Radlick, M. S. (2010). Bringing the Village to the University Classroom. In S. D’Agustino (Ed.), Adaptation, Resistance and Access to Instructional Technologies: Assessing Future Trends in Education: IGI Global.
Stefl-Mabry, J., Doane, W. E. J., & Radlick, M. (2009) Conference Proceeding: Seen and still not heard: What student voices reveal about teachers and technology. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference.
Stefl-Mabry, J., Doane, W. E. J., & Radlick, M. (2009) Conference Proceeding: Bringing the village to the university classroom: Uncertainty and confusion in teaching School Library Media Specialists. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference.
Doane, W. E. J., & Stefl-Mabry, J. (2009). Aligning Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in a University Problem-Based Learning, Trans-Generational Web Development Learning Experience. In O.-S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based Learning and Creativity: Thompson Learning.
Stefl-Mabry, J., Radlick, M., & Doane, W. E. J. (2009). Hearing voices: Teachers Reveal ICT Use and Needs. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
Doane, W. E. J., & Stefl-Mabry, J. (2008). Understanding Stress in a Trans-generational Problem-based Learning Setting. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.
Stefl-Mabry, J., & Doane, W. E. J. (2008). Teaching & Learning 2.0: An urgent call to do away with the isolationist practice of education and retool education as community in the United States. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE).
Stefl-Mabry, J., Doane, W. E. J., & Radlick, M. (2008). Redefining Schools as Learning Organizations: A Model for Trans-generational Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
Stefl-Mabry, J., Doane, W. E. J., Theroux, P., & Radlick, M. S. (2006). Redefining Schools as Learning Organizations: A Model for Trans-Generational Teaching and Learning. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2006.
Doane, W. E. J., Stefl-Mabry, J., Christopher, J., Davis, J., Issacson, J., & Szablicki, H. (2006, June 26). An Inter-Team Collaboration Model for Web Development Projects: Observe-Communicate-Assist-Reflect (OCAR). Paper presented at the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2006, Orlando, FL.
Doane, W. E. J., Rice, R., & Zachos, P. A. (2006). Knowing When You Don’t Know: Supporting teaching & learning using a new generation of tests. Science Teacher, 73(4), 46-49.
Rice, R. R., Zachos, P. A., Burgin, J., & Doane, W. E. J. (2005). In the Beginning, There Were Sun and Shadows: Using Stories in Science Teaching. Paper presented at the Eighth Conference of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group (IHPST).
Suthers, D. D., Harada, V. H., Doane, W. E. J., Yukawa, J., Harris, B., & Lid, V. (2004). Technology-Supported Systemic Reform: An Initial Evaluation and Reassessment. Paper presented at the 2004 International Conference of the Learning Sciences.
Johnson, P. M., Kou, H., Agustin, J., Chan, C., Moore, C. A., Miglani, J., et al. (2003). Beyond the Personal Software Process: Metrics collection and analysis for the differently disciplined. Paper presented at the 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering.
Zachos, P. A., Hick, T. L., Doane, W. E. J., & Sargent, C. (2000). Setting theoretical and empirical foundations for assessing scientific inquiry and discovery in educational programs. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(9), 938-962.
Zachos, P. A., & Doane, W. E. J. (1994). Report on Research into the Impact of a Cross-district Literature Program for Gifted Students. Saratoga Springs, NY: ACASE.
Presentations & Invited Talks
Toolmaker or Scientist? Computer Science educators’ identities. SIGCSE 2014, Altanta, GA.
Computational Thinking for K-12 School Library Media Specialists. Albany, NY: University at Albany, March 2013
What Watson Missed: at the edges of artificial intelligence. Bennington, VT: Bennington College, 2011.
Technology in Education. Albany, NY: University at Albany, State University of New York, February 2011.
Computing Education Matters: How can computing education incorporate socially relevant issues so that learning about computing also means learning how to improve our communities. Bennington, VT: Bennington College, November 2010.
Educational Assessment. Albany, NY: University at Albany, State University of New York, October 2010.
Research Design. Albany, NY: University at Albany, State University of New York, October 2009.
Reinventing Yourself: Web 2.0 and School Library Media Specialists. Albany, NY: Capital Area School Development Association (CASDA), April 2008.
Social Software for Collaboration. Albany, NY: University at Albany, State University of New York, November 2007.
Citation Managers for Graduate Studies. Albany, NY: University at Albany, State University of New York, October 2007.
Web 2.0, VR, and the Future of Librarianship. Albany, NY: University at Albany, State University of New York, October 2007.
What We Know About What We Know: How to Use Assessment and Evaluations. Washington, DC: American Library Association Annual Conference, June 2007.
The History and Future of Free and Open Source Software. Minneapolis, MN: Society for Technical Communication (STC), May 2007.
Using Wiki Technology to Support Learning Communities. Saratoga Springs, NY: Association for the Cooperative Advancement of Science & Education (ACASE), May 2007.
Educator Seeks Social Software to Please: what do educators need & want in social software? New York, NY: BarCamp New York City 2, September 2006
An Alternative Approach to State Examinations in Science Education: Science Teachers’ Association of New York State (STANYS), 2004.
Three Perspectives on an Experiential Method for Assessing Scientific Inquiry Capabilities in Secondary School Students. Boston, MA: National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, March 1999.
A Digital Learning Environment for Teaching Undergraduate Linguistics. Oswego, NY: Imaging the Mind: Conference on computing and the cognitive sciences, March 1998.
Theory of Language. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Conference on the Cognitive Sciences, July 1997.
Synergistic Activities
External evaluator, NASA: New York Center for Astrobiology
External evaluator, Council on Addiction Prevention and Education of Dutchess County — Marathon Project.
Reviewer, ACM SIGCSE Conference Proceedings
Reviewer, ACM ITiCSE Conference Proceedings
Co-developer, R Statistical Software Package: Graphical Analysis of Variance using ggplot2 (granovaGG)
Lemelson National Program in Invention, Innovation, and Creativity. Grant for the continuing support of the Innovative Instruction Laboratory. 1998.
Lemelson National Program in Invention, Innovation, and Creativity. Grant for the establishment and staffing of the Innovative Instruction Laboratory (Multimedia development) at Hampshire College. 1997.
Professional Affiliations
Association for Computing Machinery acm.org
Computer Science Teachers’ Associationcsta.acm.org
Special Interest Group in Computer Science Educationsigcse.org
American Educational Research Associationaera.org
Association for the Cooperative Advancement of Science & Educationacase.org
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Educationaace.org