Recommendation Request

    Please understand that you requesting a recommendation isn't a commitment on my part to write a letter for you. I may have a conflict of interest, be a poor fit to write for you, or be too busy to do you justice.

    I'm usually happy to write letters of recommendation, but there are some things I'm going to need to know about your goals, etc. before I can consider writing for you.

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Requesting a Recommendation

    What is our relationship? (required)

    What class(es) did you take with me? What semester(s) and year(s)?

    Where are you applying? (required)

    List the schools and programs to which you are applying?

    What are the application deadlines and methods? (required)

    For each school, when does the recommendation need to be submitted? How is the letter to be submitted (email, web, snail mail)?

    What major strength(s) are you highlighting in your application?

    What else are you saying in your application?

    If you have your essay or cover letter ready, paste the text for me... the more I know about what you're saying to the admissions folks, the beter I can support your application.

    What positive experience did you have in your class(es) with me that stands out in your memory?

    Was there a significant moment, experience, paper, assignment, interaction, etc. that stands out for you?

    Describe the work you did in the class(es) you took with me

    What project teams did you work on? What was your final grade in the course? What significant assignments/papers/program code/etc. did you submit?

    Do you need to share any files with me?

    If the application(s) require a form, please submit it to me electronically. If you have multiple documents/forms to submit, please ZIP (or compress or archive) them into a single file for uploading. (Instructions for Windows and Instructions for OS X.)

    What will you improve today?